Dividend Policy

Profit Distribution Policy 

The Board of Directors of the Company aims at stable dividend distribution for as long as circumstances allow. However, the authority of arbitration on dividend distribution in accordance with Turkish Commercial Code belongs to the General Assembly. Within this context, the “net distributable profit for the period” calculated by taking the financial statements prepared to the standard specified by the Capital Markets Board into consideration, will be subject to distribution at the ratio determined by the Capital Markets Board, if an obligation of distribution is imposed by the Capital Markets Board for companies whose shares are traded on the Stock Exchange. However, if an obligation of distribution is not imposed by the Capital Markets Board for companies whose shares are traded on the Stock Exchange, it will be subject to distribution at the ratio determined by the General Assembly. Profit distribution is described in detail in the 29th and 30th articles of our main contract.

a) The portion of revenue that should be legally set aside according to the Turkish Trade Act, Tax Procedural Law, Capital Markets Law, Principles of the Capital Markets Board and related articles of the Company’s articles of association is set aside. Once set aside, the distributable revenue is determined.

b) Profit will be allocated in proportion with the minimum profit share amount designated by the Capital Markets Board, by taking our Company’s investment and financing plans, strategic objectives, fund requirements arising from the working capital and the interests of the shareholders into consideration. Arising needs of the Company’s growth trend, profitability, strategic objectives, investment projects and net working capital will also be taken into consideration. The related articles of the Turkish Trade Act, Tax Procedural Law, Capital Markets Law, Principles of the Capital Markets Board and related articles of the Company’s articles of association will be complied with. Bearing in mind the potential profit share of the Company, the Executive Board can always decide to share more than the minimum profit allocation amount and propose this to the Board of Directors for approval.

c) Once the profit sharing decision is made, it is up to the Executive Board to decide on the method. It can be either cash and / or opt for a bonus share. This is then proposed to the Board of Directors for approval.

d) A grant in profit allocation is not in question. The profit is distributed equally between all existing shareholders no matter what the issuance and acquisition dates may be.

e) There is no article in the articles of association on profit allocation to managers and employees.

f) The shared profit will be distributed within legal regulations and article 30 of the Company’s articles of association following the approval of the General Assembly of Shareholders and on the date decided once again by the Board of Directors.

g) Referring to article 29 of the articles of association, if the Board of Directors authorizes the Executive Board, and with the decision of the Executive Board, it is possible to give advance profit share to our partners.

h) The management informs the public on donations and charity work made during the year and those that are planned to be made at the end of the year. Moreover, donations made and grants given are also included in the Board of Directors’ Annual Report which is disclosed to the public in three-month intervals.

Profit Distribution Policy has not yet been submitted for shareholders’ information at the General Assembly.

The 29th and 30th articles of our main contract are as follows;


Article – 29:

A. Dividend

Dividend is designated based on the Turkish Trade Act, Capital Markets Law and generally accepted accounting principles. Dividend is the amount left at the end of the accounting year and shown in the annual financial statement after sums such as general expenses and diverse depreciations that must be paid by the Company are deducted. Taxes that must be paid by the corporate body are deducted from the revenue determined at the end of the accounting year. Deficit from previous years, if any, is also deducted from that amount. What is left is allocated according to the following:

Primary Legal Reserve

a. A legal reserve of five percent (5%) of the net profit is separated up to one fifth of the paid-in capital.

First Dividend

b. A first dividend is separated at a rate decided by the Capital Markets Board from the amount remaining after the sum described in paragraph (a) is deducted from the profit.

Second Dividend

c. The General Assembly is authorized to decide whether to allocate some or all of the amount remaining once the sums of dividend described in paragraphs (a) and (b) are deducted from the net profit, or to set aside an auxiliary reserve.

Secondary Legal Reserve

d. One tenth of the amount of the profit remaining, after 5% of the paid-up capital is set aside from the sum decided to be allocated to shareholders and other participants, is set aside as secondary legal reserve according to the third sub clause of the second paragraph of article 466 of the Turkish Trade Act.

e. Before the legal reserves that must be put aside according to law, and before the first dividend is distributed in cash and / or as shares, it cannot be decided to separate reserves, endorse profit for the next year and allocate dividend to preferred shareholders, owners of participation, constituent and redeemed shares, members of the Executive Board, officials, clerks, employees, foundations of any sort and individuals and / or institutions of this sort.

f. If not contravening the 15th/last article of the Capital Markets Law, if necessary explanations are given and on condition that donations made during the year are presented to the knowledge of the members of the Board of Directors, it is possible to set aside part of the dividend for members of the Executive Board, officials, clerks, employees, foundations of any sort and individuals and/or institutions of this sort.

g. Dividend is distributed equally to all existing shares by the accounting period no matter what their issuance and acquisition dates may be.

h. The type and the date of the profit allocation are decided by the Board of Directors upon the proposal of the Executive Board. It complies with the articles of Capital Markets Law.

B. Advance Dividend

If authorized by the Board of Directors and complying with article 15 of Capital Markets Law and other communiqués of the Capital Markets Board, the Executive Board can distribute advance dividend limited to the related year. The authorization of distributing dividend, given to the Executive Board by the Board of Directors, is limited to the year that the authorization is given. Before the advance dividend of a previous year is fully entered into account, no extra or new advance dividend can be distributed.


Article 30:

The date of the profit distribution is decided by the Board of Directors upon the proposal of the Executive Board. It complies with the articles of the Capital Markets Law.